
Pregnancy with IgA Nephropathy: What Should You Know

To have a healthy baby is each family’s beautiful wish, there is no exception for patients with IgA Nephropathy. Here, we will share information you should know about pregnancy with IgA nephropathy. If you are interested, please read on. Any questions, just email to us at kidneycured@gmail.com or leave a message below directly! We are ready to help you.

1. May the disease pass on to the baby?

Actually, IgA neogropathy is not a genetic disease, hence, it cannot spread into the next generation. But if you are ready to get pregnant or have already been conceived now, it is important to ensure your illness conditions have been controlled and became stable.

2. Can I get pregnant with IgA Nephropathy?

The answer for this question varies from individual conditions. If you’d like to know an individualized suggestion for your own conditions, you’d better to contact your doctor timely.

If you are in both of the two conditions, you maybe suggested to plan for pregnancy.

-blood pressure is not high and there is no significant fluctuation. (consistently <140/90mmHg)

-kidney function is stable and keeps in a good level (serum creatinine <1.1mg/dL, GFR >70ml/min).

You had better avoid pregnancy if you have following symptoms or complication:

-massive proteinuria

-uncontrolled high blood pressure (blood pressure >150/100mmHg)

-severe edema or swelling

-renal insufficiency

3. Whether pregnancy will worsen my illness condition or not?

The answer can be affected by many factors like your symptoms, kidney damage’s degree, complications, age, treatments and so on. However, they cannot deprive your right to be a mother.

If you receive treatment early and control your state of illness, it is possible for you to have children successfully.

4. What treatment can help control IgA nephropathy?

Considering that it is not only a kidney disease but also an autoimmune disease, we should treat it from improving immune system. In our Treatment center point, Immunotherapy, Micro-Chinese Medicine Osmotherapy, and Medicated Bath can be your systemic treatments which can help repair kidney damage and strengthen immune system.

